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  5. Ultra-high resolution observation with phased ALMA


Ultra-high resolution observation with phased ALMA

永井 洋
永井 洋
2016年 1月13日-14日

ALMA workshop "Ultra-High Resolution Observation with Phased-ALMA"

Date: January 13-14, 2016

Venue: "Cosmos-Kaikan" meeting room, Mitaka campus of NAOJ.

Language: Talks and slides shall be given in English.

ALMA phase-up capability will be offered in ALMA Cycle 4.
This capability will enable us to do VLBI observations with the
spatial resolution better than 100 micro-arcsec and unprecedented
sensitivity at millimeter wavelengths. Potential scientific targets
are imaging of black hole shadow, accretion disk, and jet base of
active galactic nuclei. The main aim of this workshop is to review
the recent progress of these scientific topics and discuss the
prospects for Cycle 4 and beyond. All researchers from multi-
wavelength and theoretical communities are welcomed to join this

Day 1(1/13)
9:55-10:00 Opening Remarks
--- 1st Session: Capability and Status Report ---
10:00-10:20 ALMA Cycle 4 Capability and Preliminary Proposers Guide (in particular for APP) TBD
10:20-10:40 Current status of EHT M. Honma (NAOJ)

--- 2nd Session: Theory of Accretion Flows and Jets ---
10:40-11:20 Hot accretion flow (and outflow): basics and issues S. Mineshige (Kyoto U.)
11:20-12:00 Modelling mm/sub-mm VLBI image of super-massive black holes H. Y. Pu (ASIAA)
12:00-13:10 Lunch break
13:10-13:50 Recent Developments in Theories of Relativistic Jet Production F. Takahara (Osaka U.)
13:50-14:30 Jet Break in AGNs: Exploring the Fundamental Property by mm/sub-mm VLBIs M. Nakamura (ASIAA)

--- 3rd Session: M87 ---
14:30-15:10 Imaging the central <10Rs of the M87 nucleus with high-sensitivity 86GHz VLBI K. Hada (NAOJ)
15:10-15:40 coffee break
15:40-16:20 GMVA image and mm/submm polarimetry towards M 87 and prospects for ALMA CY4 K. Asada (ASIAA)
16:20-17:00 Exploring magnetic fields at the jet base of M87 M. Kino (KASI)
17:00-17:40 ALMA Observations of M87 and low-luminosity AGNs A. Doi (JAXA)
18:00- Banquet

Day 2 (1/14)
--- 4th Session: Radio Galaxies and Blazars ---
9:30-10:10 Recent VLBI Results of 3C84 and Prospects for mm VLBI with phased ALMA H. Nagai (NAOJ)
10:10-10:50 The jet collimation & RM profile in blazars K. Akiyama (MIT)
10:50-11:30 Global 3-mm VLBI observations with Korean VLBI Network toward bright AGN jets S. Koyama (MPfIR)

---5th Session: Imaging Technique and mm VLBI Experiments ----
11:30-12:10 PRECL: A new method for interferometry imaging from closure phase S. Ikeda (ISM)
12:10-13:20 Lunch Break
13:20-13:40 A 230 GHz VLBI experiment in Japan K. Fujisawa (Yamaguchi U.)
13:40-14:00 Imaging Simulation K. Akiyama (MIT)

14:00-17:00 Discussion

