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2014 Workshop & Events

WSDecember 15 to 17, 2014
East-Asian Workshop on millimeter/terahertz-wave receiver technology
OthersDecember 7-11, 2014
Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA -The 3rd Year-
WSDecember 2 to 3, 2014
The Observation and Understanding of Extra-galactic Fine Structure Line
WSOctober 20 to 21, 2014
ALMA workshop: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
WSOctober 20 to 21, 2014
ALMA sub-working group on galaxies (focusing on AGN and high-z)
OthersJuly 14-17, 2014
East Asia ALMA Science Workshop 2014
OthersJune 17-18, 2014
ASTE/ALMA Development Workshop 2014
OthersApril 28 - May 2, 2014
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014
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